Travel Agency Manager – 旅行社经理

组织和控制旅行社的运作。可能需要注册或许可。Organises and controls the operations of a travel agency. Registration or licensing may be required.


Post Office Manager – 邮局经理

组织和控制邮局的运作。Organises and controls the operations of a post office.


Hair or Beauty Salon Manager – 美发或美容沙龙经理

组织和控制发廊或美容院的运作。可能需要注册或许可。Organises and controls the operations of a hairdressing or beauty salon. Registration or licensing may be required.


Antique Dealer – 古董经销商

买卖家具、艺术品、珠宝和瓷器等古玩。也可以清洗、修复和估价古董。可能需要注册或许可。Buys and sells antiques such as furniture, art, jewellery and china. May also clean, restore and value antiques. Registration or licensing may be required.


Retail Manager (General) – 零售经理(一般)

统筹及运营一个零售贸易机构。Organises and controls the operations of a retail trading establishment.

零售药剂师并不属于此职业下,而归属于2515药剂师职业小组。Retail Pharmacists are excluded from this occupation. Retail Pharmacists are included in Unit Group 2515 Pharmacists, in Occupation 251513 Retail Pharmacist.


Accommodation and Hospitality Managers nec – 住宿和酒店经理 其他类

在澳新职业大典中,住宿和酒店经理 其他类归属于1419其他住宿与酒店经理职业小组下,该小组没有例出详细的职业描述,这一职位下包括了没有在1419小组列出的住宿与酒店经理,如背包客经理、赌场值班经理、旅社经理、客房经理与接待中心经理等待。


Retirement Village Manager – 养老院经理

统筹及管理退休村的日常运作,提供一系列住宿、个人照顾服务、康乐及社交活动,供居民使用及享用。Organises and controls the day-to-day operations of a retirement village to provide a range of accommodation, personal care services, and recreational and social activities for the use and enjoyment of residents.


Licensed Club Manager – 持牌俱乐部经理

组织及控制持牌会所的运作,为会员提供食物、饮料、游戏、娱乐、体育及其他设施。需要注册或许可。Organises and controls the operations of a licensed club to provide food, beverages, gaming, entertainment, sporting and other amenities for members. Registration or licensing is required.


Hotel or Motel Manager – 酒店或汽车旅馆经理

组织和控制酒店或汽车旅馆的运营,为客人提供住宿、餐饮和其他服务。可能需要注册或许可。Organises and controls the operations of a hotel or motel to provide guest accommodation, meals and other services. Registration or licensing may be required.


Caravan Park and Camping Ground Manager – 大篷车公园和露营地经理

组织和控制一个房车停车场和露营地的运作,提供住宿和休闲服务。可能需要注册或许可。Organises and controls the operations of a caravan park and camping ground to provide accommodation and leisure services. Registration or licensing may be required.
