Beef Cattle Farmer – 肉牛农民
计划、组织、控制、协调和执行肉用肉牛和种畜的饲养与养殖操作。Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise beef cattle for meat and breeding stock.
计划、组织、控制、协调和执行肉用肉牛和种畜的饲养与养殖操作。Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to breed and raise beef cattle for meat and breeding stock.
在澳新职业大典中,其他作物农民归属于1212种植业农民职业小组中,与小组其他职业共享以下详细职业描述: 考虑环境和市场因素,从土壤准备到收获,规划和协调粮食、棉花、甘蔗、水果和坚果…
在农场、温室和商品菜园,计划、组织、控制、协调和执行蔬菜的种植操作。Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming, greenhouse and market garden operations to grow vegetables.
计划、组织、控制、协调和执行草坪种植的农业操作。Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to grow turf.
计划、组织、控制、协调和执行甘蔗种植的农业操作。Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to grow sugar cane.
计划、组织、控制、协调和执行各种作物的农业操作。Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to grow a variety of crops.
计划、组织、控制、协调和执行水果用葡萄或酿酒用葡萄的农业操作。Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to grow table or wine grapes.
计划、组织、控制、协调和执行种植谷物、油籽、蛋白质和牧草作物的农业操作。Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to grow grain, oilseed, protein and pasture crops.
计划、组织、控制、协调和执行种植水果和坚果的农业操作。Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs farming operations to grow fruit and nuts.
计划、组织、控制、协调和执行开花和叶类植物的种植、培育和收获活动。Plans, organises, controls, coordinates and performs planting, cultivating and harvesting activities to grow flowering and foliage plants.