Print Journalist – 纸媒记者
通过采访、调查和观察收集和分析有新闻价值的事件的事实,并为报纸、杂志或期刊撰写故事。Collects and analyses facts about newsworthy events by interview, investigation and observation and writes stories for newspapers, magazines or journals.
通过采访、调查和观察收集和分析有新闻价值的事件的事实,并为报纸、杂志或期刊撰写故事。Collects and analyses facts about newsworthy events by interview, investigation and observation and writes stories for newspapers, magazines or journals.
在印刷和发行前,按照编辑方针和公认的语法、风格和格式规则,计划和指导编辑报纸、杂志或期刊等出版物。Plans and directs editing of a publication, such as a newspaper, magazine or journal, in accordance with editorial policies and guidelines and accepted rules of grammar, style and format prior to printing and distribution.
设计和撰写产品和服务广告的书面材料。Designs and composes written material to advertise products and services.
该职位包括了2123职业小组未例出的其他电影、电视广播与舞台总监类的职业。比如音响总监、选角总监、灯光总监、场地经理(影视)等。This occupation group covers Film, Television, Radio and Stage Directors not elsewhere classified.
制作电影、电视节目、录像制作或广告,以数码或模拟形式拍摄、添加声音和剪辑。这个职业需要高水平的创造性人才或个人的投入和兴趣,以及或兴趣代替的,正式的学历或经验。Creates films, television programs, video productions or commercials by filming, adding sound and editing in digital or analogue format. This occupation requires high levels of creative talent or personal commitment and interest as well as, or in place of, formal qualifications and experience.
通过指导技术团队、策划和组织技术设施,控制电视或广播节目的图像和声音质量。Controls the quality of pictures and sound for television or radio programs by directing technical teams and planning and organising technical facilities.
计划、组织、监督和协调负责放置布景和道具的工作人员的活动,以及作为电影、电视或舞台制作的一部分操作照明和音响设备。Plans, organises, supervises and coordinates the activities of workers responsible for placing sets and properties, and operating lighting and sound equipment as part of film, television or stage productions.
编辑和指导电视或广播节目。Compiles and directs programs for television or radio.
根据电影、电视节目、视频制作或广告的情绪、节奏和高潮做出并实施编辑决定。Makes and implements editorial decisions regarding mood, pace and climax of films, television programs, video productions or commercials.
策划、指导和协调拍摄工作,以控制电影或视频的拍摄质量和风格。Plans, directs and coordinates filming to control the quality and style of photography in films or videos.