Insurance Broker – 保险代理

作为一个独立的代理人为一系列保险公司销售人寿保险、火灾保险、意外保险、工业保险或其他形式的保险。需要注册或许可。Operates as an independent agent to sell life, fire, accident, industrial or other forms of insurance for a range of insurance companies. Registration or licensing is required.


Finance Broker – 财务代理

在财务谈判过程中作为一个独立的代理人,代表客户安排贷款。需要注册或许可。Operates as an independent agent in the course of financial negotiations and arranges loans of money on behalf of clients. Registration or licensing is required.


Commodities Trader – 商品交易员

作为一个独立的代理商,将商品的买家和卖家联系在一起,协商私下销售,并通过固定的市场地点安排销售。Operates as an independent agent to bring together buyers and sellers of commodities, negotiates private sales and arranges sales through established market places.


Internal Auditor – 内审员

检查、验证、评估和报告财务、运营和管理流程、系统和结果,以确保财务和运营的完整性和符合性,并协助业务流程审查、风险评估、开发可交付成果和根据结果报告进度。可能需要注册或许可。Examines, verifies, evaluates and reports on financial, operational and managerial processes, systems and outcomes to ensure financial and operational integrity and compliance, and assists in business process reviews, risk assessments, developing deliverables and reporting progress against outcomes. Registration or licensing may be required.


External Auditor – 外部审计员

设计和操作信息和报告系统、程序和控制,以满足外部财务报告的要求。可能需要注册或许可。Designs and operates information and reporting systems, procedures and controls to meet external financial reporting requirements. Registration or licensing maybe required.


Corporate Treasurer – 公司财务主管

管理公司与盈利发展及运作有关的资金、流动资产及财务风险。可能涉及收购、出售和合资企业。可能需要注册或许可。Manages corporate funding, liquidity and financial risk associated with the profitable development and operation of an organisation. May be involved in acquisitions, disposals and joint ventures. Registration or licensing may be required.


Company Secretary – 公司秘书

计划、管理和审查与公司董事会会议和股份有关的公司合规活动和有效做法,确保所有业务事项和交易按照董事会的指示得到管理和执行。Plans, administers and reviews corporate compliance activities and effective practice concerning company board meetings and shareholdings, ensuring all business matters and transactions are managed and implemented as directed by the board.


Taxation Accountant – 税务会计师

为组织或个人分析、报告和提供有关税务问题的建议,编制纳税申报表和报告,处理与税务机关的纠纷。可能需要注册或许可。Analyses, reports and provides advice on taxation issues to organisations or individuals, prepares taxation returns and reports, and handles disputes with taxation authorities. Registration or licensing may be required.


Television Journalist – 电视记者

通过采访、调查和观察,收集和分析有新闻价值的事件事实,为电视新闻或时事节目撰写故事。Collects and analyses facts about newsworthy events by interview, investigation and observation and writes stories for television news or current affairs programs.


Radio Journalist – 电台记者

通过采访、调查和观察,收集和分析有新闻价值的事件事实,为广播新闻或时事节目撰写故事。Collects and analyses facts about newsworthy events by interview, investigation and observation and writes stories for radio news or current affairs programs.
