• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论


  • 教会动物服从语言和非语言的命令,解决行为问题;teaching animals to obey verbal and non-verbal commands and addressing behavioural problems
  • 训练动物接受骑手和拉车辆;training animals to accept riders and pull vehicles
  • 训练动物参加比赛;training animals to perform in competitions
  • 为宠物洗澡、剪毛、梳理、吹干和造型,以及剪指甲和清洗耳朵;bathing, cutting, combing, blow-drying and styling pets’ coats, clipping their nails and cleaning their ears
  • 检查、准备、清洁、消毒和维护舒适的动物笼和围栏;inspecting, preparing, cleaning, disinfecting and maintaining comfortable animal cages and enclosures
  • 根据动物需要,运输食物、装满水槽和喂养动物;transporting food, filling water troughs and feeding animals according to their individual needs
  • 维护动物健康记录,治疗轻伤,向兽医报告严重情况;maintaining animal health records, treating minor injuries and reporting serious conditions to Veterinarians
  • 与动物一起运动和玩耍,回答游客的问题,带领或携带动物在围栏间转移;exercising and playing with animals, answering visitor questions, and transferring animals between enclosures by leading or carrying them
  • 在动物身上喷洒杀虫剂,并将其浸泡在杀虫剂浴中,以控制害虫。dusting and spraying insecticides on animals and immersing them in insecticide baths, to control insect pests


  • 清洁、喂养和检查动物;clean, feed and inspect animals
  • 清洁动物围栏和周边环境;clean animal enclosures and the wider environment
  • 控制害虫;control pests
  • 观察并记录动物行为;observe and record animal behaviour
  • 组织动物活动;provide activities for the animals
  • 支持动物饲养计划;support animal breeding programmes
  • 在兽医的监督下治疗动物的轻微伤害和疾病;treat animals for minor injuries and illnesses under veterinary supervision
  • 设计和维护动物生活环境;design and maintain animal environments
  • 帮助公众,回答他们的问题并进行教育演讲;assist the public, answer their questions and give educational talks
  • 为动物研究和保护做出贡献;contribute to animal research and conservation
  • 保持最新的动物福利,最新的动物研究和保护信息;keep up-to-date on animal welfare, latest animal research and conservation information
  • 保持记录并执行与动物护理相关的一般办公室工作。maintain records and carry out any general office work relating to animal care.

要成为动物管理员,首先必要的便是与动物相处、照顾动物的经验,比如在动物收容所、宠物店、动物园或诊所的志愿者经验,或者在农场的经验。一方面,可以通过在职的培训与远程教育成为合格的动物管理员,远程教育主要为UNITEC理工学院的4级证书课程New Zealand Certificate in Animal Management (Captive Wild Animals) (Level 4) ,不支持国际留学生就读。另一方面,完成任何动物相关专业学历的学生,均可成为动物管理员,不过部分有over-qualified之嫌。

Zookeeper - 动物园管理员Zookeeper - 动物园管理员





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  • Jing
    Jing 16/11/2018 08:04
