• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论

土木工程师属于Group 2332 Civil Engineering Professionals 土木职业小组下,与该小组下的其他职业有统一的职业描述。不过,新西兰政府就业信息网上公布的土木工程师详细职业内容如下:


  • 就每个项目的要求与客户、政府官员和其他专业人士进行协商;consult with clients, government officials and other professionals on the requirements of each project

  • 评估计划展开的建筑和开发项目所在地点的适宜性;evaluate the suitability of proposed construction and development sites

  • 规划和设计建筑物,如道路、排水系统、建筑物、水坝或码头;plan and design structures such as roads, drainage systems, buildings, dams or wharves

  • 计算出建筑物是否能够承受人、天气和其他自然力量对其施加的荷载;work out whether structures will be able to withstand the loads that will be placed on them by people, weather and other natural forces

  • 准备报告,工作图纸和说明书;prepare reports, working drawings and specifications

  • 准备成本评估并评估项目的成本效益;prepare cost estimates and evaluate the cost efficiency of projects

  • 评估拟议发展项目对环境的影响;assess environmental impacts of proposed developments

  • 获得相关部门的批准并获得建筑许可;get plans approved by relevant authorities and obtain building permits

  • 监督施工,确保结构正确建造;supervise construction to ensure structures are built correctly

  • 确保给排水等得到有效管理。ensure assets such as water plants and roading are efficiently managed



Civil Engineer - 土木工程师Civil Engineer - 土木工程师

















Civil Engineer - 土木工程师Civil Engineer - 土木工程师





Civil Engineer - 土木工程师Civil Engineer - 土木工程师




新西兰的土木工程师不一定要注册Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) 。

Engineering Companies

Apply directly to engineering companies such as:

Airey Consultants www.aireys.co.nz

Babbage Consultants Ltd www.babbage.co.nz

Beca Group www.beca.cop.nz

Cato Bolam Consultants www.catobolam.co.nz

Connell Wagner www.conwag.com

Duffill Watts and King Ltd www.duffillwatts.com

Foundation Engineering www.fel-nz.com

GHD Ltd www.ghd.co.nz

Maunsell AECOM www.maunsell.com

MWH NZ Ltd www.mwhglobal.co.nz

Pattle Delamore Partners Ltd www.pdp.co.nz

Riley Consultants Ltd www.riley.co.nz

Sinclair Knight Mertz www.skmconsulting.com

Tonkin and Taylor Ltd www.tonkin.co.nz

URS New Zealand www.urscorp.co.nz

Opus International Consultants www.opus.co.nz

Fraser Thomas Ltd www.ftl.co.nz

Vector Networks www.networks.co.nz

Employment Consultants

Register with employment consultants such as:

FarrowJamieson website www.farrowjamieson.com

IPENZ Job Hunt www.jobhunt.co.nz

CRS Recruitment www.crsrecruit.co.nz

Hays Engineering www.hays-hps.co.nz

Beresford Blake Thomas www.bbtglobal.co.nz

Crown Recruitment www.crown.co.nz

Technical recruitment Solutions www.trs.co.nz

Select Tech www.selectechnical.com

Rob Law Consulting Group www.roblaw.co.nz

Career Engineers www.careerengineer.co.nz


  • A Washington Accord accredited (initial) engineering degree;华盛顿公约认可的工程学历;
  • A Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (NZQF Level 8);新西兰学历等级8级的工程师荣誉学士学位;
  • A qualification at NZQF Level 7 or higher, with a letter from Engineering New Zealand certifying that the degree and any further learning meet the benchmark requirements towards Chartered Professional Engineer professional status in New Zealand;持有一个与新西兰学历等级7级或以上级别学历相关的工程学历,并且新西兰工程师职业委员会认可该学历以及其他资质符合新西兰注册工程师的要求;
  • NZ registration as a Chartered Professional Engineer by Engineering New Zealand. 获得新西兰工程师职业协会的工程师职业注册。


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  • Jing
    Jing 09/10/2018 14:06
