• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论
  • 对安全和紧急流程进行管理并对公众进行通告;managing safety and emergency procedures and making public announcements
  • 协调给旅客的商品销售,并完成海关和移民局所需文件;coordinating the sale of goods to passengers and completion of any customs and immigration documentation which may be required
  • 进行安全监测并监控安全装置和流程;conducting safety checks and demonstrations of safety equipment and procedures
  • 在应急演习和执行紧急流程中支持旅客并在紧急状况下指引旅客;assisting passengers in emergency drills, carrying out emergency procedures, assisting and directing passengers in emergencies
  • 核查旅客的票证,引导他们入座;checking passengers’ tickets and directing them to seats and cabins
  • 清洁飞机、船舶和铁路车厢,交接和储藏食物、设施和行李;tidying aircraft, ship and railway cabins, and receiving and stowing food, equipment and cabin baggage
  • 进行厨房的操作,为旅客准备和加热食物,准备茶点和餐食;operating galleys, preparing and heating food for passengers, and serving refreshments and meals
  • 分发读物、枕头、毛毯和其它提高旅客舒适度的物品。distributing reading material, pillows, blankets and other amenities for the comfort of passengers





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  • Jing
    Jing 05/10/2018 13:26
