• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论

归类为Complementary Health Therapists(补充健康治疗师),他们通过使用不同的治疗方法、技巧和实践满足病人的身体、心理、精神和情感上的需要,他们会考虑到病人整个的身体状况而不是针对某一处病症。

  • 通过询问、检查和观察确定病因 assessing patients to determine the nature of the disorder, illness, problem or need by questioning, examining and observing
  • 制定和实施治疗方案,应用针灸、顺势疗法、中药、舞蹈、戏剧、催眠和音乐疗法 developing and implementing treatment plans using applications such as acupuncture, homoeopathic and herbal medicine, and dance, drama, hypnotic and music therapies
  • 评估和记录病人治疗进展情况 evaluating and documenting patients’ progress through treatment plans
  • 提供饮食和生活方式方面的建议和指导 providing dietary and lifestyle advice and guidelines

开具天然药物处方,例如中草药、矿物和动物提取物,刺激人体的自我修复能力 prescribing natural medicines, such as herbal, mineral and animal extracts, to stimulate the body’s capacity for self-healing


Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner - 传统中医医生Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner - 传统中医医生

没有规定必须注册。New Zealand Acupuncture Standards Authority(NZASA)只是一个非官方注册机构 There is currently no national regulation of Chinese Medicine (acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine) in NZ. http://www.nzasa.org/about-nzasa/

但通过NZASA 注册的会员,可以获得ACC Treatment Provider的资格;作为ACC Treatment Provider, 在诊疗病人后可以向ACC申请补偿费用。


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  • Nick
    Nick 30/05/2017 14:33
