• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论


  • 招聘广告的安排,应聘者的面试和测试,员工的选拔;arranging for advertising of job vacancies, interviewing and testing of applicants, and selection of staff
  • 维护人事记录和相关的人力资源信息系统;maintaining personnel records and associated human resource information systems
  • 就工作关系政策和程序、员工表现和纪律事项向管理层提供建议和信息;providing advice and information to management on workplace relations policies and procedures, staff performance and disciplinary matters
  • 安排员工入职,提供有关服务条件、薪酬和晋升机会的信息;arranging the induction of staff and providing information on conditions of service, salaries and promotional opportunities
  • 接收并记录雇主提供的职位空缺信息,如职位描述、工资和雇佣条件等;receiving and recording job vacancy information from employers such as details about job description, wages and conditions of employment
  • 向雇主和求职者提供组织内当前职位空缺的信息;providing information on current job vacancies in the organisation to employers and job seekers
  • 就雇佣条款和条件进行谈判,审查和解决争议和不满;undertaking negotiations on terms and conditions of employment, and examining and resolving disputes and grievances
  • 研究和解释法律、奖励、集体协议和劳动合同、工资支付制度和争议解决程序;studying and interpreting legislation, awards, collective agreements and employment contracts, wage payment systems and dispute settlement procedures
  • 制定、规划和制定企业协议或集体合同,如基于生产力的工资调整程序、工作场所关系政策和方案、实施程序等;developing, planning and formulating enterprise agreements or collective contracts such as productivity-based wage adjustment procedures, workplace relations policies and programs, and procedures for their implementation
  • 监督工作场所咨询委员会和员工参与计划的形成和实施。overseeing the formation and conduct of workplace consultative committees and employee participation initiatives


  • 与客户建立良好的关系;establish and build relationships with clients
  • 帮助求职者找到适合自己技能的职位空缺;help job candidates identify job vacancies that match their skills
  • 在网站和社交媒体渠道上发布招聘广告;advertise job vacancies on internet sites and social media channels
  • 寻找工作的潜在候选人;find potential candidates for jobs
  • 面试、筛选和测试候选人;interview, screen and test candidates
  • 帮助求职者更新简历,准备面试;help candidates to update their CVs and prepare for interviews
  • 为候选人谈判薪资和合同;negotiate salaries and contracts for candidates
  • 为客户和求职者提供劳动力市场趋势和薪资方面的建议。advise clients and candidates on labour market trends and salaries.



Recruitment Consultant - 招聘顾问Recruitment Consultant - 招聘顾问

在新西兰,有一定经验的人力资源管理人才的就业机会相比新晋毕业生好得多,有更多的机会成为招聘顾问。新晋毕业生可以通过行业内的入门型职业,比如候选人经理Candidate Manager,逐步晋升成为咨询型的招聘顾问。社交媒体的成熟、专业的应用将有助于求职与工作的展开。





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  • Jing
    Jing 17/12/2018 08:17
