• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论


  • 策划、开发和组织广告策略和活动,以支持销售目标;planning, developing and organising advertising policies and campaigns to support sales objectives
  • 向高管和客户提供广告策略和活动建议,以达到市场目标,提高消费者的认知度,有效提升商品和服务的属性;advising executives and clients on advertising strategies and campaigns to reach target markets, creating consumer awareness and effectively promoting the attributes of goods and services
  • 在时间和预算限制内,协调涉及专业活动的广告活动的制作,如艺术品、文案、媒体脚本、电视和电影制作以及媒体投放;coordinating production of advertising campaigns involving specialised activities, such as artwork, copywriting, media scripting, television and film production and media placement, within time and budget constraints
  • 分析有关消费者模式和偏好的数据;analysing data regarding consumer patterns and preferences
  • 解读和预测当前和未来的消费趋势;interpreting and predicting current and future consumer trends
  • 研究新产品和服务的潜在需求和市场特征,收集和分析数据和其他统计信息;researching potential demand and market characteristics for new goods and services and collecting and analysing data and other statistical information
  • 通过制定和执行营销目标、政策和计划,支持业务增长和发展;supporting business growth and development through the preparation and execution of marketing objectives, policies and programs
  • 委托和进行市场调查,以发现新的和现有的产品和服务的市场机会;commissioning and undertaking market research to identify market opportunities for new and existing goods and services
  • 为所有营销要素提供建议,如产品组合、定价、广告和促销、销售和分销渠道。advising on all elements of marketing such as product mix, pricing, advertising and sales promotion, selling, and distribution channels


  • 推广和发展一个组织的品牌、商品和服务;promote and develop an organisation’s brand, goods and services
  • 制定营销计划、政策和活动;create marketing plans, policies and campaigns
  • 为产品定价、广告、销售和分销渠道(如零售商)提供建议;advise on product pricing, advertising and selling and distribution channels, such as retailers
  • 制作广告和博客文章等营销内容;produce marketing content such as advertisements and blog posts
  • 运营社交媒体渠道;run social media channels
  • 组织活动;organise events
  • 收集和分析销售数据等信息;collect and analyse information such as sales data
  • 安排产品和服务的市场调研;arrange market research for products and services
  • 与客户建立关系。build relationships with clients.


Marketing Specialist - 营销专员Marketing Specialist - 营销专员






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  • Jing
    Jing 21/11/2018 14:14
