• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论


  • 考虑环境和市场因素,从土壤准备到收获,规划和协调粮食、棉花、甘蔗、水果和坚果、蔬菜、草皮和花卉等作物的生产和销售;planning and coordinating the production and marketing of crops, such as grain, cotton, sugar cane, fruit and nuts, vegetables, turf and flowers, from soil preparation to harvest taking into account environmental and market factors
  • 选育种子、种苗、球茎,嫁接新品种到砧木上;selecting and planting seeds, seedlings and bulbs, and grafting new varieties to root stocks
  • 通过种植、去芽、修剪和保持最佳生长条件来维持作物生产;maintaining crop production by cultivating, de-budding and pruning, and maintaining optimal growing conditions
  • 组织实施农产品的收集、储存、分级、包装等农业经营活动,组织农产品的销售、采购、发运;organising and conducting farming operations, such as collecting, storing, grading and packaging produce, and organising the sale, purchase and despatch of produce
  • 指导和监督一般农业活动,如施肥、害虫和杂草控制;directing and overseeing general farming activities such as fertilising and pest and weed control
  • 维护农场建筑、栅栏、设备和供水系统;maintaining farm buildings, fences, equipment and water supply systems
  • 维护和评估农业活动记录,监控市场活动,计划作物准备和生产以满足合同要求和市场需求;maintaining and evaluating records of farming activities, monitoring market activity, and planning crop preparation and production to meet contract requirements and market demand
  • 管理企业资本,包括预算、税收、债务和贷款管理;managing business capital including budgeting, taxation, debt and loan management
  • 可以选择、培训和监督员工和承包商。may select, train and supervise staff and contractors


在新西兰,实际的种植业农民并没有特定的入行学历要求,一般雇主会期待雇员拥有基本的农业、农学证书、专科学历,最好持有农学本科学历,而农学本科学历也是新西兰技术移民对农民这一职业的最低要求,比如Bachelor of AgriScience (Hort)。农业是新西兰的支柱产业之一,因此新西兰的农学在国际上也享有盛誉,以农学为学科中心的林肯大学,以及农学起家的梅西大学都是非常好的留学选择。

Mixed Crop Farmer - 混合作物农民Mixed Crop Farmer - 混合作物农民






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  • Jing
    Jing 18/11/2018 11:00
