• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论


  • 操作微波设备,将视频信息传送到发射机位置,并从远程位置接收视频信号;operating microwave equipment to transmit video information to transmitter sites and receiving video signals from remote locations
  • 维修和修理无线电和电视发射机及相关设备;maintaining and repairing radio and television transmitters and associated equipment
  • 选择并将设备安装到相机上,定位相机,在调整控制时跟踪拍摄场景的动作;selecting and attaching equipment to cameras, positioning cameras, and following the action of scenes being photographed while adjusting controls
  • 定位设备,如射灯、泛光灯和电缆,以及在拍摄、广播和舞台表演期间的操作灯;positioning equipment, such as spotlights, floodlights and cables, and operating lights during filming, broadcasting and stage performances
  • 在拍摄和演出中使用和修饰化妆,包括特殊效果的化妆,如疤痕和伤口;applying and retouching make up during shooting and performance, including special effects make up such as scars and wounds
  • 设计和制造乐器和乐器零件,采用与家具制造、金属管制造、银器制造、木雕、乐器调音、修理等类似的特殊材料和工艺;designing and making musical instruments and instrument parts using specially selected materials and techniques similar to those used in cabinetmaking, metal pipe making, silversmithing and wood carving, and tuning and repairing musical instruments
  • 设置和调整麦克风等设备,操作调音台及相关设备,调节音量和音质;setting up and adjusting equipment such as microphones, and operating sound mixing consoles and associated equipment to regulate volume and sound quality
  • 电视录音、剪辑、混音设备的选装、调试、监控。selecting and setting up television recording, editing and mixing equipment, and adjusting and monitoring their operation


  • 向客户、演员、制片人或导演咨询所需的外观;consult with clients, actors, producers or directors about the required look
  • 在婚礼、舞会和其他特殊场合为客户化妆;apply make-up to clients for weddings, balls and other special occasions
  • 为电影、电视和舞台制作的主持人或演员化妆;apply make-up to presenters or actors for film, television and stage productions
  • 完成客户的发型;style clients’ hair
  • 完成一张化妆备注,解释应该使用什么妆容;write make-up sheets that explain what make-up look should be applied
  • 阅读剧本,研究电影或电视作品的时代;read scripts and research the period/era of the film or television productions
  • 根据艺术作品和特效需求铸造面部和身体模具-称为义肢;cast facial and body moulds for costumes – known as prosthetics
  • 卖化妆品;sell cosmetics
  • 为社交媒体制作视频;create videos for social media
  • 保持化妆刷和工具清洁;keep make-up brushes and tools clean
  • 给与化妆课程。give make-up lessons.



Make Up Artist - 化妆师Make Up Artist - 化妆师



  • 越来越多的广告、电影以及电视节目来到新西兰进行摄制和制作;
  • 化妆需求越来越多,有更多的美妆商铺开设。


  • 接受化妆专门培训,并积极寻找实习与兼职工作;
  • 拥有积极证明的态度以及行业名声;
  • 拥有额外的加分技能,如发行设计、美容护肤技巧以及客服能力;
  • 为资深化妆师做志愿助手工作,或者主动为学校、剧院提供化妆服务;
  • 加入各类行业协会,如WIFT (Women in Film and Television)
  • 积极参加行业聚会,扩充人脉;
  • 阅读行业杂志,新发布的电视电影项目,主动联系可能的合作机会;
  • 在相关网站主动发布求职广告,如The Big Idea
  • 建立个人的社交媒体账号乃至网站;
  • 积极推销自己。


  • 美容美发沙龙;s
  • 电视、电影、杂志于戏剧制作公司;
  • 百货商场;
  • 化妆品店与药妆店;
  • 时尚设计公司与杂志,或在时尚活动上工作。




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  • Jing
    Jing 16/11/2018 10:35
