• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论


  • 为行政、历史、法律、证据和其他目的评估和保存记录;evaluating and preserving records for administrative, historical, legal, evidential and other purposes
  • 为档案研究和记录的保存和销毁准备记录保存系统、索引、指南和程序;preparing record-keeping systems, indexes, guides and procedures for archival research and for the retention and destruction of records
  • 对标本和物品进行识别和分类,安排修复工作;identifying and classifying specimens and objects, and arranging restoration work
  • 检查项目,安排检查以确定保存条件和真实性;examining items and arranging examinations to determine condition and authenticity
  • 病历表的设计与修改;designing and revising medical record forms
  • 管理组织的中央记录系统;managing organisations’ central records systems
  • 分析组织的记录保存需求,并将这些需求转化为记录管理系统;analysing the record-keeping needs of organisations, and translating these needs into record management systems
  • 维护计算机化和其他记录管理系统和记录表单,并就其使用提供建议;maintaining computerised and other record management systems and record forms, and advising on their usage
  • 控制对机密信息的访问,并推荐访问记录的操作规程和程序;controlling access to confidential information, and recommending codes of practice and procedures for accessing records
  • 开发记录编目、编码和分类系统,并监控其使用。developing record cataloguing, coding and classification systems, and monitoring their use



Health Information Manager - 健康信息管理员Health Information Manager - 健康信息管理员

由于职位相对小众,并没有准确的就业数据。相关专业的学生与从业人员可以从NZ Health IT Cluster网站http://www.healthit.org.nz/与National Health IT Board网站www.healthitboard.health.govt.nz/寻找招聘相关信息。



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