- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 养殖家畜,生产蜂蜜、肉、奶、皮、蛋、羊毛;breeding and raising livestock for the production of honey, meat, milk, skins, eggs and wool
- 监测和维护家畜的健康和状况;monitoring and maintaining the health and condition of livestock
- 提供牧场和饲料以维持适当的营养水平;providing pastures and fodder to maintain appropriate nutritional levels
- 迁移牲畜以优化喂养机会;moving livestock to optimise feeding opportunities
- 组织和实施养殖作业,如捕捉、淋溶和挤奶家畜、灭菌机、收集、分级和包装农产品等;organising and conducting farming operations such as catching, drenching and milking livestock, sterilising machines, and collecting, grading and packaging produce
- 指导和监督一般的农业活动,如维护围栏,棚舍和笼子,施肥,控制害虫和杂草,和种植饲料;directing and overseeing general farming activities such as maintaining pens, sheds and cages, fertilising, controlling pests and weeds, and growing fodder
- 维护围栏、设备和供水系统;maintaining fences, equipment and water supply systems
- 组织畜产品的销售、采购和运输;organising the sale, purchase and transportation of livestock and produce
- 维护和评估农业活动的记录,监控市场活动和相应的生产计划;maintaining and evaluating records of farming activities, monitoring market activity and planning production accordingly
- 管理企业资本,包括预算,税收,债务和贷款管理;managing business capital including budgeting, taxation, debt and loan management
- 可以选择、培训和监督员工和承包商;may select, train and supervise staff and contractors
- 研究血统信息;studies information on bloodlines
- 选择种畜;chooses breeding stock
- 保持繁殖记录;keeps breeding records
- 购买新马;purchases new horses
- 管理育种项目;manages breeding programmes
- 确保马匹的锻炼和养护;makes sure horses are exercised and groomed
- 培训马匹参加比赛;trains horses for competitions
- 检查马匹的疾病和损伤;checks horses for disease, illness and injuries
- 在必要请兽医检查;calls veterinarian when necessary
- 管理牧场设备、设施和员工;manages equipment, facilities, pastures and staff
- 研究和实践骑术。studies and practices riding skills
虽然入行成为农民或农场经理并没有强制的学历要求,不过雇主一般偏好接受过专业技能培训或专业学历学习的求职者。而在技术移民时,申请人需要最低具备相关专业的本科学士学位。从较低等级的证书学历开始就读,将更能帮助申请人获得农场的实践操作技能,比如牛或羊养殖农场技术的证书课程。除了常见的大学、国立理工可提供农业相关学历以外,新西兰还有专门的农场实习为主的证书课程,由遍布新西兰的行业内专门的学徒农场(New Zealand agricultural cadet farms)提供。除了这些基础学历,许多专业畜牧农民或农场经理均具备农业或农场管理的大专学历,以及农业科学本科学历或农商管理本科学历。
