- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 获取有关证券、市场情况、政府法规和客户财务状况的信息;obtaining information on securities, market conditions, government regulations and financial circumstances of clients
- 解读来自证券报告、金融期刊和股票报价查看器屏幕的数据;interpreting data from securities reports, financial periodicals and stock-quotation viewer screens
- 分析金融市场和金融市场产品;analysing financial markets and financial market products
- 就金融市场事宜、市场状况及公司的历史和前景,提供资料和意见;providing information and offering advice on financial market matters, market conditions and the history and prospects of corporations
- 代表客户在市场上执行买卖订单;executing buy and sell orders in the market place on behalf of clients
- 将交易信息传递给客户,如买卖合同的数量和价格;relaying trade information to clients such as the number of contracts bought and sold and the price
- 监控期货价格和市场变化,投标商品期货合同;monitoring futures prices and market changes, and bidding for commodity futures contracts
- 记录和传送买卖指令;recording and transmitting buy and sell orders
- 计算和记录交易成本。calculating and recording costs of transactions
你需要完成Authorised Financial Advisers (AFAs) 持牌财务顾问注册:
- 获得National Certificate in Financial Services – Financial Advice (Level 5);
- 从Financial Markets Authority (FMA) 获得执业资格认证;
- 加入并完成Dispute Resolution Scheme (DRS) 的注册;
- 完成Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) 的注册。
- 在其他NZX顾问的监督下完成6个月的培训与实习;have six months’ experience working and training under another NZX adviser
- 通过NZX交易资质6门考试;sit and pass six subjects to gain the NZX Diploma
- 获得地区法院颁发的经纪人执照;purchase a licence granted by the District Court
- 没有犯罪记录,从未破产或对公司清算负有责任。have no criminal convictions and never have been bankrupt or responsible for the liquidation of a company.
