- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 面试潜在客户,确定财务状况和目标,讨论财务选择,制定财务计划和投资策略;interviewing prospective clients to determine financial status and objectives, discussing financial options and developing financial plans and investment strategies
- 监控投资业绩,根据调整后的需求和市场变化,审核和修订投资计划;monitoring investment performance, and reviewing and revising investment plans based on modified needs and changes in markets
- 为客户推荐和安排保险;recommending and arranging insurance cover for clients
- 为客户买卖股票和债券;arranging to buy and sell stocks and bonds for clients
- 就投资策略、资金来源及收益分配提供意见;advising on investment strategies, sources of funds and the distribution of earnings
- 制定财务目标,制定并实施实现财务目标的战略;setting financial objectives, and developing and implementing strategies for achieving the financial objectives
- 管理从个人退休金储蓄政策和单位信托基金筹集的资金;managing funds raised from personal superannuation savings policies and unit trusts
- 协助满足养老保险的合规要求;assisting in meeting superannuation compliance requirements
- 指导收集财务、会计和投资信息,编制预算、报告、预测和法定收益;directing the collection of financial, accounting and investment information and the preparation of budgets, reports, forecasts and statutory returns
- 可将客户转介至其他机构,以取得财务计划所列明的服务。may refer clients to other organisations to obtain services outlined in financial plans
- 与客户协商制定投资目标,为客户提供建议和指导。Consult with clients to develop investment objectives, provides advice and guidance to customers.
- 报告投资活动和业绩。Report on investment activity and performance.
- 与客户和管理人员沟通他们的帐户,证券市场和经济趋势。Communicate with clients and administrators about their accounts, securities markets and economic trends.
- 管理债券和股票投资组合,使投资回报最大化,与可接受的风险水平相称。Manage bond and equity portfolios to maximize investment returns commensurate with an acceptable level of risk.
