- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 监控商品价格、趋势等影响商品供求的因素;monitoring commodity prices, trends and other factors affecting the supply and demand for commodities
- 就谷物、羊毛、矿产和金属等大宗商品的买卖进行谈判;negotiating the purchase and sale of commodities such as grains, wool, minerals and metals
- 确定客户具体的财务和保险需求,研究和评审现有的财务和保险产品,以满足客户的需求;determining the specific financial and insurance requirements of clients, and researching and reviewing available finance and insurance products for suitability to meet clients’ requirements
- 分析客户的财务状况,讨论财务选择,制定财务战略;analysing clients’ financial status, discussing financial options and developing financial strategies
- 推荐符合客户需求的贷款组合;recommending loan combinations that meet clients’ needs
- 采访潜在客户,解释保单条件、承保风险、费率和福利,并就保险金额和类型提出建议;interviewing prospective clients to explain insurance policy conditions, risks covered, premium rates and benefits, and to make recommendations on the amount and type of cover
- 通过银行、贷款人、金融家和保险公司为客户安排保险、住房贷款抵押贷款和其他类型的融资;arranging insurance, home loan mortgages and other types of finance for clients through banks, lenders, financiers and insurance companies
- 准备文件,列出财务、还款和贷款期限的条件;preparing documents which set out the conditions of finance, repayments and loan periods
- 识别并就客户保险的重大风险变化提供建议;identifying and advising on significant risk changes to clients’ insurance
- 代理综合体和商业租赁、设备融资、商业融资、项目。broking complex and commercial leases, equipment finance, commercial finance, project finance and finance for property developers
- 评估客户是否有资格贷款买房/置业;assess whether a client is eligible to borrow money for a house/property
- 向客户解释抵押贷款选择和银行提供的服务;explain mortgage options and bank offers to the client
- 就抵押贷款和贷款结构提供建议;advise on the structure of mortgages and loans
- 计算抵押贷款偿还额;calculate mortgage repayments
- 向客户解释购房过程;explain the home-buying process to the client
- 代表客户与银行联系;liaise with the bank on the client’s behalf
- 代表客户与律师、估价师和房地产经纪人等其他各方保持联系;liaise with other parties, such as lawyers, valuers and real estate agents, on the client’s behalf
- 为客户填写完整的申请表;complete application forms for clients
- 组织建筑报告和房屋估价;organise building reports and home valuations
- 组织保险。organise insurance.
在新西兰,要成为财务代理,尤其是贷款经理,你需要完成Authorised Financial Advisers (AFAs) 持牌财务顾问注册:
- 获得National Certificate in Financial Services – Financial Advice (Level 5);
- 从Financial Markets Authority (FMA) 获得执业资格认证;
- 加入并完成Dispute Resolution Scheme (DRS) 的注册;
- 完成Financial Service Providers Register (FSPR) 的注册。
