• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论
  • 分析经济变量之间的相互关系,研究政府财政和货币政策、支出、税收和其他预算政策对经济和社会的影响;analysing interrelationships between economic variables and studying the effects of government fiscal and monetary policies, expenditure, taxation and other budgetary policies on the economy and the community
  • 研究、分析和评估劳动力市场计划和行业政策及计划对经济增长、福利、教育和培训的影响;researching, analysing and assessing the effects of labour market programs and industry policies and programs on economic growth, welfare, education and training
  • 调查国际和国家经济形势,以及行业、地区和社会经济群体等特定特征;investigating international and national economic situations, and particular features such as industries, regions and socioeconomic groups
  • 研究工作场所问题,如企业议价和工资固定,以及工作场所政策对生产率和经济增长的影响;studying workplace issues such as enterprise bargaining and wage fixation, and the effect of workplace policies on productivity and economic growth
  • 分析趋势,就税收水平、价格、就业和失业、进出口、利率和汇率等经济问题提供建议;analysing trends and advising on economic issues such as taxation levels, prices, employment and unemployment, imports and exports, and interest and exchange rates
  • 为短期预算、长期规划和投资评估预测经济环境的变化;forecasting changes in the economic environment for short-term budgeting, long-term planning and investment evaluation
  • 为经济、企业战略和投资制定建议、政策和计划,并对项目进行可行性研究;formulating recommendations, policies and plans for the economy, corporate strategies and investment, and undertaking feasibility studies for projects
  • 准备研究结果报告。preparing reports on research findings


Economist - 经济学家Economist - 经济学家








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