• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论


  • 安排、通知和出席董事和股东大会;arranging, giving notice of and attending meetings of directors and shareholders
  • 就遵守证券交易所上市规则、相关立法和公司惯例的事宜,向各机构的董事会提供意见;advising organisations’ governing boards on matters concerning compliance with stock exchange listing rules, relevant legislation and corporation practice
  • 通过准备文件和发行股份,以及处理股份转让,来监管机构的股本;supervising organisations’ share capital by preparing documents and share issues, and handling share transfers
  • 控制库房和库房系统,建立和审查风险管理目标和库房政策;controlling treasury and treasury systems and establishing and reviewing risk management objectives and treasury policies
  • 识别、管理和报告财务风险;identifying, managing and reporting on financial risks
  • 协助进行股权管理、债务管理、证券和税收筹划等事宜;assisting with equity management, debt management, securities and taxation planning issues
  • 收集、分析和解释有关组织财务状况、成本结构和交易效率的信;collecting, analysing and interpreting information on the financial standing, cost structures and trading effectiveness of organisations
  • 设计、重组和建立预算成本控制和其他会计系统,如计算机系统;devising, re-organising and establishing budgetary cost control and other accounting systems such as computer-based systems
  • 进行审计和调查,为管理层、股东、治理机构和法定机构编制财务报表和报告;conducting audits and investigations and preparing financial statements and reports for management, shareholders, and governing and statutory bodies
  • 评估运营过程、活动、政策和系统的成本效益和风险;evaluating the cost effectiveness and risks of operational processes, activities, policies and systems
  • 向管理层报告内部控制体系的存在和有效性;reporting to management on the existence and effectiveness of the system of internal controls
  • 建立审计目标,设计和实施审计方法、流程和审计报告准则。establishing audit objectives, and designing and implementing audit methodologies, processes and audit report criteria


  • 召开和服务年度股东大会/会议(编制议程,作会议记录;传达决策等);convening and servicing annual general meetings (AGM)/meetings (producing agendas, taking minutes; conveying decisions etc)
  • 为董事会等委员会和工作小组提供支持;providing support to committees and working parties such as the Board of Directors etc
  • 实现程序/管理系统;implementing procedural/administrative systems
  • 处理会议前后的信件;handling correspondence before and after meetings
  • 确保政策保持最新,得到批准,并确保公司成员意识到其影响(如法律);ensuring policies are kept current, are approved, and that company members are aware of their implications, eg legal
  • 撰写报告;writing reports
  • 整理信息;collating information
  • 在会议内外提供法律/财务建议;providing legal/financial advice during and outside of meetings.

公司秘书应该具备一定的专业知识,不仅要掌握公司法、证券法、上市规则等有关法律法规,还要熟悉公司章程、信息披露规则,掌握财务及行政管理方面的有关知识。虽然公司秘书并没有任何强制的学历背景要求,不过雇主更倾向于拥有会计与金融、商业与管理、以及法学专业背景的人士,尤其是拥有高学历、高GPA的优秀毕业生。公司秘书最好获得ICSA(Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators)特许秘书与行政人员协会的职业注册,将更有助于职业发展。


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  • Jing
    Jing 12/12/2018 12:11
