- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 根据组织的运营环境建立行政和运营程序;establishing administrative and operational procedures by taking account of the organisation’s operating environment
- 制定政策决策,对运营、员工绩效、目标达成、预算、标准和程序的遵守负责;making policy decisions and accepting responsibility for operations, performance of staff, achievement of targets and adherence to budgets, standards and procedures
- 建立控制线,将责任委派给下属员工;establishing lines of control and delegating responsibilities to subordinate staff
- 代表机构与其他机构和公众打交道;representing the organisation in dealings with other organisations and the public
- 控制管理信息的收集和解释,以监控绩效;controlling the collection and interpretation of management information to monitor performance
- 控制组织资产和设施的使用和核算;controlling the use of, and accounting for, the assets and facilities of the organisation
- 编制预算和其他管理计划;preparing budgets and other management plans
- 准备报告,授权发布信息,处理公关活动。preparing reports, authorising the release of information, and handling public relations activities