• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论
  • 确定组织的目标、战略、政策和计划;determining objectives, strategies, policies and programs for organisations
  • 为组织提供总体方向和管理;providing overall direction and management to organisations
  • 授权物质、人力和财力资源执行组织政策和计划;authorising material, human and financial resources to implement organisational policies and programs
  • 根据组织目标和策略监控和评估组织绩效;monitoring and evaluating performance of organisations against organisational objectives and strategies
  • 咨询高级下属员工,并审核建议和报告;consulting with senior subordinate staff and reviewing recommendations and reports
  • 准备或安排准备报告、预算和预测,并将其提交给理事机构;preparing, or arranging for the preparation of, reports, budgets and forecasts and presenting them to governing bodies
  • 在正式场合、谈判中、大会、研讨会、公开听证会和论坛中代表组织,以及职责范围之间的联络;representing the organisation at official occasions, in negotiations, at conventions, seminars, public hearings and forums, and liaising between areas of responsibility
  • 选择或批准高级员工的选择;selecting, or approving the selection of senior staff
  • 确保组织遵守公司法和其他相关法律。ensuring the organisation complies with company laws and other relevant legislation




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  • Jing
    Jing 16/11/2018 11:16
