• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论


  • 为小说、戏剧、音乐剧、影视作品、教育文本、信息文本、多媒体产品等书面作品创造和发展创意和主题;creating and developing ideas and themes for written works, such as novels, plays, musicals, screen productions, educational texts, information texts and multimedia products
  • 通过原始和二手材料、采访和其他媒体资料研究主题;researching subject matter through original and secondary materials, interviews and other media
  • 策划、组织和撰写材料;planning, organising and writing material
  • 对小说、传记、短篇小说、诗歌、教育文本等书籍的手稿进行审核和评价,确保风格的连贯性,主题、情节和人物塑造的发展;reviewing and evaluating manuscripts of novels, biographies, short stories, poems, educational texts and other books, and ensuring coherence of style and development of theme, plot and characterisation
  • 就作品的出版潜力和出版合同条件向出版商提供建议;advising publishers about potential of works for publication and conditions of publication contract
  • 谈判出版细节,如版税、出版日期和印刷份数;negotiating publication details such as royalties, publication dates and numbers of copies to be printed
  • 审查和评估电影、电视、广播和舞台制作中的故事和其他材料;reviewing and assessing stories and other material for film, television, radio and stage productions
  • 指导准备播音员要读的脚本,介绍并连接音乐剧、新闻、体育和特殊事件节目的部分内容;directing the preparation of scripts to be read by announcers to introduce and connect parts of musicals, news, sports and special events programs


  • 选择和研究要写的主题;choose and research topics to write about
  • 编写和修改材料;write and revise their material
  • 为出版做好准备,并找到出版商或制作人;prepare their work for publication and find a publisher or producer
  • 与编辑讨论进一步的修订;discuss further revisions with an editor
  • 在网上发表作品;publish their work online
  • 参加新书发布会和宣传活动;attend book launches and publicity events
  • 公开阅读;give public readings
  • 开办写作课。run writing classes.


Author - 作家Author - 作家





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  • Jing
    Jing 10/12/2018 11:47

    可作为兴趣发展,不建议在新西兰专门从事写作事业 。