- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
- 定义、分析和解决与保费、年金、养老基金、养老金和股息等领域相关的复杂金融和业务问题。defining, analysing and solving complex financial and business problems relating to areas such as insurance premiums, annuities, superannuation funds, pensions and dividends
- 为一般保险公司、金融公司、政府和其他组织检查财务预测。examining financial projections for general insurance companies, finance companies, government and other organisations
- 设计新型保单,评估风险,分析寿险、养老基金、健康保险、互助组织、金融市场等领域的投资。designing new types of policies, assessing risks and analysing investments in life insurance, superannuation funds, health insurance, friendly societies, financial markets and other areas
- 建立数学模型来模拟过程。formulating mathematical models to simulate processes
- 将模型应用于实验观测,对模型进行调整和重铸。applying models to experimental observations, and adjusting and recasting the models
- 使用数值分析方法开发算法并执行计算。using numerical analysis methods to develop algorithms and perform computations
- 与管理层和客户联系,确定调查或审查的主题或领域。liaising with management and clients to determine the subject or area to be surveyed or examined
- 指定要收集的数据,以及在收集和分析中使用的方法。specifying the data to be collected, and the methodology to be used in collection and analysis
- 评估和描述源信息的可靠性和效用。evaluating and describing the reliability and utility of source information
- 分析和解释数据,并生成相关的统计数据来描述和推断特定的趋势和模式。analysing and interpreting data, and producing relevant statistics to describe and infer particular trends and patterns
- 收集和分析过去财务事件的统计数据;collect and analyse statistics about past financial events
- 预测未来财务事件的影响;forecast the effect of future financial events
- 使用数学和统计建模技术分析和解决业务问题;analyse and solve business problems using mathematical and statistical modelling techniques
- 为企业和政府管理金融和其他业务风险提供建议;advise businesses and government on managing financial and other business risks
- 准备保险、投资、养老和基金管理方面的报告和建议;prepare reports and advise on insurance, investment, superannuation and management of funds
- 计算保险公司的资产和负债,确定其财务实力;calculate the assets and liabilities of insurance companies, and determine their financial strength
- 帮助确定公司的财务业绩。help to determine a company’s financial results.
要成为一名合格的精算师,你需要完成海外精算机构的职业注册考试,这些考试可以在全职工作时同时进行。大部分在新西兰的见习精算师会参加澳洲或英国的精算师注册考试:Actuaries Institute (Australia) 或Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (UK)。除此之外,你还需要完成新西兰精算师协会的职业注册:New Zealand Society of Actuaries。
