- ANZSCO详细职业描述
- 对应学历与推荐学校
- 新西兰就业情况
- 短缺行业
- 顾问主观评论
登记护士在澳新职业大殿中的职业描述比较简略,在实际的工作中,登记护士的职业内容收到其注册机构新西兰护士协会(Nursing Council of New Zealand)的监管,具体如下:
- 登记护士在注册护士或执业护士的指导和监督下展开工作,为社区、住宅或医院的病患提供终身护理和健康教育。Enrolled nurses practise under the direction and delegation of a registered nurse or nurse practitioner to deliver nursing care and health education across the life span to health consumers in community, residential or hospital settings.
- 登记护士参与病患的护理评估、护理规划、护理实施以及评估对病患本人和/或家庭的护理。注册护士对护理计划负有全面责任。Enrolled nurses contribute to nursing assessments, care planning, implementation and evaluation of care for health consumers and/or families/whanau.The registered nurse maintains overall responsibility for the plan of care.
- 登记护士协助病患进行日常生活活动,观察病患状况的变化,并向注册护士报告,管理药物和承担与其评估能力相适应的其他护理责任。Enrolled nurses assist health consumers with the activities of daily living, observe changes in health consumers’ conditions and report these to the registered nurse, administer medicines and undertake other nursing care responsibilities appropriate to their assessed competence.
- 在紧急情况下,登记护士必须与注册护士一起工作,注册护士负责指导和委派护理干预措施。In acute settings, enrolled nurses must work in a team with a registered nurse who is responsible for directing and delegating nursing interventions.
- 在某些情况下,登记护士可以在注册护士的指导和授权下协调一组卫生保健助理。In some settings, enrolled nurses may coordinate a team of health care assistants under the direction and delegation of a registered nurse.
- 在某些情况下,登记护士可在注册医生及专业人员的指导和委派下工作。在这种情况下,登记护士必须有注册护士监督,不得承担护理评估或护理计划的全部责任。In some settings, enrolled nurses may work under the direction and delegation of a registered health practitioner*. In these situations, the enrolled nurse must have registered nurse supervision and must not assume overall responsibility for nursing assessment or care planning.
- 登记护士须对自己的护理行动负责,并须根据法例,以其知识和经验水平,尽力而为。他们与病患、病患家属以及多学科团队合作。Enrolled nurses are accountable for their nursing actions and practise competently in accordance with legislation, to their level of knowledge and experience. They work in partnership with health consumers, families/whanau and multidisciplinary teams.
在新西兰的护士职业划分中,分为三种职业注册等级,由高往低分别是:执业护士 Nurse Practitioner、注册护士 Registered Nurse、以及登记护士 Enrolled Nurse。对应的职业注册最低学历要求分别是:临床护士硕士、护士本科或硕士、以及登记护士大专。不过,无论学历等级,留学生在新西兰就读护士的职业注册学历均需要较高的英语水平,就读登记护士大专需要满足雅思总分6.5分,4项单科不低于6.5的要求,与注册护士的本科学历要求基本一致。不过,与注册护士本科学历相比,国内的学生在完成高二以后即可申请就读为期18个月的登记护士大专(当然是在满足雅思4个6.5分的前提下),毕业后可就业成为登记护士,或申请转学分进一步就读注册护士本科。