• ANZSCO详细职业描述
  • 对应学历与推荐学校
  • 新西兰就业情况
  • 短缺行业
  • 顾问主观评论

执业护士虽然与注册护士同归与一个职业小组(Unit Group 2544 Registered Nurses)中,但两个职位存在较大区别,需要区分对待。与ANZSCO职业大典中笼统的护士职业描述不同,新西兰护士委员会(Nursing Council of New Zealand)定义了下述的执业护士工作内容:

  • 执业护士受过高等教育,接受过临床培训,并具有超出注册护士水平的执业能力和法律权威。Nurse practitioners have advanced education, clinical training and the demonstrated competence and legal authority to practise beyond the level of a registered nurse.
  • 执业护士可以自主开展工作,并与其他卫生专业人员合作,进行健康宣传,疾病预防等工作,以改善特定患者群体或社区的健康资源获取途径以及人口健康状况。Nurse practitioners work autonomously and in collaborative teams with other health professionals to promote health, prevent disease, and improve access and population health outcomes for a specific patient group or community. 
  • 执业护士有时与家庭医生类似,作为健康康复过程的主理者,负责和病患以及他们家属协同合作,管理治疗和照顾的过程。Nurse practitioners manage episodes of care as the lead healthcare provider in partnership with health consumers and their families/whānau. 
  • 护士从业人员将先进的护理知识和技能与诊断推理和治疗知识相结合,提供以病人为中心的医疗服务,包括对有常见或疑难症状的病患的诊断和管理。他们提供广泛的评估和治疗干预措施,安排和解释诊断和实验室测试,在他们的权限范围内给与处方,并管理患者从医院或其他医疗服务机构中的接收和出院。Nurse practitioners combine advanced nursing knowledge and skills with diagnostic reasoning and therapeutic knowledge to provide patient-centred healthcare services including the diagnosis and management of health consumers with common and complex health conditions. They provide a wide range of assessment and treatment interventions, ordering and interpreting diagnostic and laboratory tests, prescribing medicines within their area of competence and admitting and discharging from hospital and other healthcare services/settings. 
  • 作为临床工作中的领导者,他们在医疗机构中工作,影响医疗服务的提供和更广泛的工作。As clinical leaders they work across healthcare settings and influence health service delivery and the wider profession.




  • 成为新西兰的注册护士;be registered with the Nursing Council of New Zealand in the registered nurse scope of practice;
  • 完成一个获得认可的执业护士临床类硕士课程,该课程必须包括所需的理论知识以及至少300小时的临床实践内容;complete an approved clinical master’s degree programme (or overseas equivalent) for the nurse practitioner scope of practice. The programme must include relevant theory and a minimum of 300 hours of clinical learning;认可的课程如下图所示:
  • Nurse Practitioner - 执业护士Nurse Practitioner - 执业护士










  • 在所对应医学领域内,拥有至少5年的临床实践经验;have at least four years’ experience in their area of practice;
  • 通过执业护士注册考试。pass an assessment against the nurse practitioner competencies, given by a Council-approved assessor.




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  • Ivy
    Ivy 17/08/2018 15:16
